Our cheese-making process

At the farms
We select the best livestock farmers for each type of milk, making thorough analyses of each delivery. Our technicians work closely with our livestock farmers in order to achieve the finest quality.

From the farm to the processing line
The milk collected is taken in refrigerated tanks to the production centres in order to maintain the optimum quality of the milk. Our livestock farmers are located close to our plant, to guarantee the full freshness of the milk. The milk then goes through strict quality controls and, if it is suitable, it is then unloaded into the processing tanks. Each lot is coded in order to guarantee traceability throughout the chain.

The milk is heated to the appropriate temperature, depending on the production programmed.

Pressing and salting
The moulds are then filled and kept in presses in order to obtain the best product and, finally, there is a salting process.

Drying and ripening
Once the cheese has been made, it then goes to dryers and ripening chambers until the process is completed.

The different products are packaged in the packaging area, in the formats requested by our customers.

The products are stored in refrigerators at the right temperature.

Dispatch and transport
When the end product is required, it is automatically sent from the refrigerators to the loading bays. Once there, our forklift truck drivers load it on the truck. Throughout the process, the product is always kept at a temperature of below 15 degrees so as not to break the cold chain.