Quesos Albéniz is collaborating with the donation of food for people in need. At Quesos Albéniz, our commitment to the most underprivileged groups is a rewarding experience.

Quesos Albéniz is collaborating with the donation of food for people in need. At Quesos Albéniz, our commitment to the most underprivileged groups is a rewarding experience.
“This company has received aid from the Government of Navarre under the call for the Promotion of Digital Business in Navarre 2023.
“This company has received aid co-financed 50% by the European Regional Development Fund through the ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020 of Navarra”.
“This company has received a grant co-financed by the Government of Navarra and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development through the RDP of Navarra 2014-2020”.
“This company has received a grant from the Government of Navarra under the 2021 call for applications for aid to improve competitiveness”.